Sustainability Evangelism Award

The recipient of this award will be selected by the editorial team for their role in bringing the topic of sustainability to the fore and the steps they are taking to make a real difference within their own company, the industry as a whole and at a personal level.

Open to:

Any company in the IT ecosystem

This category is now closed

Best Sustainable Customer Project of the Year

Technology suppliers are playing an important role in helping UK organisations decarbonise. This award will be awarded jointly to the reseller, MSP or IT solutions provider and their customer that have worked together to deliver a ground-breaking or impactful project in the last 12 months.

Open to:

Resellers/MSPs/IT solutions providers/any other breed of front-line channel partner and their customers

This category is now closed

Sustainability Champion - End User

This flagship award will go to a genuine visionary that is leading the way when it comes to sustainability and ESG. Are you at the vanguard when it comes to helping reduce your carbon footprint and ecological footprint? Are you fanatical about the sustainability credentials of your supply chain? Are you also a wider ESG leader in areas such as social impact and governance? If yes, then this is the category for you. Entrants must work in the IT sector, but not in an IT company.

Open to:

Any individual at an end-user firm. PLEASE NOTE: This excludes IT vendors, distributors and resellers.

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Best Value Chain Initiative

Up to 90 per cent of an organisation’s environmental impact actually lies within the value chain, so it is imperative for channel firms to be working together to reduce emissions across each supply chain - this can range from sourcing raw materials for products, reducing packaging, or disposing of them at the end of life. This award will be given to any company or partnership of companies, that are taking steps to slash emissions across its/their entire supply chain, reduce waste and resource usage, and who can provide tangible results of the positive impact they are making on the environment through their particular initiative.

Open to: Any company in the channel ecosystem

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Circular Economy Company of the Year

Every year, 40 million tons of electronic waste is produced by the technology industry alone: the equivalent to binning 800 laptops every second. All the materials and components used in the production of IT equipment can be reused and recycled, and laptops/desktops/devices can be refurbished and given a new lease of life. According to Statista, the circular economy was worth $339bn in 2022 and is set to double by 2026.

This award will go to the company that is making the biggest strides in the circular economy - whether this is recycling or refurbishing old equipment, saving tonnes of materials from going to landfill, or running projects to eliminate electronic waste altogether.

Open to:

Any company in the channel ecosystem

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Sustainability Unsung Hero

The sustainability transformation is being driven as much by passionate individuals as it is by companies. Is there an unsung hero of sustainability within your business, or one of your partners? It may be your CEO, or someone working in sales, marketing, HR, accounts, or a technical role. If you know someone who fits the bill, please tell us – in 400 words – why they should win this category.

Open to:

Anyone who works in the channel ecosystem

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Sustainability champion - Vendor

This flagship award will go to a genuine visionary that is leading the way when it comes to sustainability and ESG. Are you at the vanguard when it comes to helping reduce the carbon footprint and ecological footprint of your customers (via the channel), and within your own organisation? Are you also a wider ESG leader in areas such as social impact and governance? If yes, then this is the category for you.

Open to:

IT Vendors

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Sustainability Champion - Distributor/Channel Services Provider

This flagship award will go to a genuine visionary that is leading the way when it comes to sustainability and ESG. Are you at the vanguard when it comes to helping reduce the carbon footprint and ecological footprint of end users (via the channel), and within your own organisation? Are you also a wider ESG leader in areas such as social impact and governance? If yes, then this is the category for you.

Open to:

Distributors/channel services providers

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Sustainability Champion - Reseller/Solution Provider

This flagship award will go to a genuine visionary in their field that is leading the way when it comes to sustainability and ESG. Are you at the vanguard when it comes to helping reduce the carbon footprint and ecological footprint of your customers, and within your own organisation? Are you also a wider ESG leader in areas such as social impact and governance? If yes, then this is the category for you.

Open to:

IT resellers, MSPs, solution providers

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Net Zero Project of the Year

Organisations of all sizes must play their part in the move to renewable energy as the UK government targets a 78 per cent cut in CO2 emissions by 2035. This award will go to the company that can demonstrate the most enlightened use of renewable energy when it comes to its buildings, vehicle fleet, or employee footprint, or can demonstrate the most far-reaching progress in terms of its own carbon reduction/net zero strategy.

Open to:

Any company in the channel ecosystem

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B-Corp of the Year

There are currently around 6,800 B Corps globally spanning 90 countries, but 1,300 of them are in the UK, and that number is growing, particularly in the IT sector. By harnessing the power of their business, B Corps are committed to positively impacting all stakeholders, whether this is workers, communities, customers or the planet. In short, they are doing amazing things to make a real difference.

Open to:

Any company in the channel ecosystem

This category is now closed