Alana Heath, How to Change the World
Alana Heath
Co-Founder & COO
How to Change the World

Alana Heath is the Co-founder and COO of How to Change the World. How to Change the World is a social enterprise transforming careers to create a sustainable future through online experiential learning programs – while building the tech to revolutionise online experiential learning at scale. Prior to her current role, she spent over a decade mobilising business and technology as forces for good in sectors such as financial inclusion, energy access and sustainability. She has worked across the US, Europe, India and East Africa with social enterprises, non-profits and impact investing funds such as Grassroots Capital Management, the Microfinance Information Exchange and SunFunder, and as a consultant on World Bank projects. In 2012 she co-founded Alta Solar, a non-profit introducing solar technology to villages in the Himalayan mountain range in Ladakh (northern India), and in 2016 she co-founded Ara Energy, a venture researching access to energy in East Africa in partnership with Factore[e] Ventures.